Quote issues in VB.NET

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# 1  
Old 09-22-2011
Quote issues in VB.NET

Running into a small issue and not sure on the syntax to get around it...
I need to execute:
sc \\iamdc.grhq.XXX.com query "DirXMLRemote 8000"

My issue though is the quotes. How to I keep the quotes only contained within the command instead of the logic using them?

Not sure if I am explaining that right :-)

SW.WriteLine("sc \\iamdc.grhq.XXX.com query "DirXMLRemote 8000"")

---------- Post updated at 11:15 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:51 AM ----------

Anyone? Smilie Really stuck here...

---------- Post updated at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:15 AM ----------

Figured it out.

SW.WriteLine("sc \\iamdc.grhq.XXX.com query ""DirXMLRemote 8000""") 

# 2  
Old 09-22-2011
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