error opening website

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Special Forums Windows & DOS: Issues & Discussions error opening website
# 1  
Old 09-03-2009
error opening website

hi I have unusual problem you might say. I can't open , I've checked file hosts located somewhere in windows/system32/drivers .. and its not blocked from there, what else could cause this problem, I need to download microsoft visual studio and I can't cause I can't open the website, since its a web installer its mendatory. any ideas ?

Thank you
# 2  
Old 09-06-2009
It would help to know which version of M$ Windows, which browser and version, what virus scanner installed, and whether other websites work ok.
In general an intercept on (or the M$ updates websites) is a warning sign that your PC may have been compromised.
It would help to see the actual URLs and the actual error messages.

Last edited by methyl; 09-06-2009 at 04:37 PM.. Reason: deduce M$ Windows
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