Thanks for your answer. I guess I´ve forgot to put the entire code.
Well, maybe now, with the entire index.php code it'll become easier to understand.
PHP Code:
<? include "base.php"; ?>
<table border="0" width="100%" colspacing = 0>
<td width = 150>
<IFRAME name=banner1 frameborder=0 src="banner1.php" scrolling=no height="110" width="100%">
Your browser doesn´t support frames
<td bgcolor = "#FFFFC0" align = "center">
<font style = "Tahoma" color="#0000FF" size = 6>
<td width = 150>
<IFRAME name=banner2 frameborder=0 src="banner2.php" scrolling=no height="110" width="100%">
Your browser doesn´t support frames
<td valign = "top">
<table border="0" width="100%">
<td align = "center" bgcolor = "#C0C0FF">
<font style = "Tahoma" size = 2>Login
<td bgcolor = "#D0D0D0">
if ($_POST['entrar']=='Entrar!')
$result = mysql_query('select log_nome,senha from usuarios where log_nome="'.trim($nome).'";',$conexao);
if (mysql_num_rows($result)>0)
$usuSenha = mysql_result($result,0,senha);
$usuSenha = 'notuser';
if ($result and ($senha==$usuSenha) and ($usuSenha<>'notuser'))
echo '<p >';
echo '<font style="Tahoma" size=4>';
echo $nome.'</font><BR>';
echo '<font style="Tahoma" size=2>';
echo 'You are on-line</font>';
echo '</p>';
echo 'User not authorized';
echo '<form method="post" name="logar" action=""><font style="Tahoma" size=1>
Name: <input type="text" name="nome" value="" size="15"><BR>
Password: <input type="text" name="senha" value="" size="15"><BR>
<p >
<input"hand" type="submit" name="entrar" value="Entrar!" STYLE="border:0; height:18; width=50; background:#E8F3FD">
<table border="0" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#C0FFFF">
<font style="Tahoma" size=2>
About us
<td bgcolor="#C0FFFF">
<font style="Tahoma" size=2>
Talk to us
<td bgcolor="#C0FFFF">
<font style="Tahoma" size=2>
<IFRAME name=Display src="quemsomos.php" frameborder=0 scrolling=1 height="280" width="100%">
Your browser doesn´t support frames
<td valign = "top">
<table border="0" width="100%">
<td bgcolor="#C0C0FF">
<font style="Tahoma" size=4>
$result = mysql_query('select titulo,conteudo from noticias;',$conexao);
$quantos = mysql_num_rows($result);
for ($i==0; $i<$quantos; $i++)
echo '<tr><td bgcolor="#C0FFFF">';
echo '<span style="font-size:8.0pt; font-family:Verdana; color:#000080">';
echo '<a target= "Display" href="conteudo.php?texto='.mysql_result($result,$i,conteudo).'">';
echo mysql_result($result,$i,titulo);
echo '</a></td></tr>';
<td bgcolor="#C0FFFF">
<font style="Tahoma" size=2>
<td bgcolor="#FFFFDD">
<font style="Tahoma" size=2>
Test test test test <BR>
test test test test <BR>
test test test test
PS.: "Entrar!" is the action to perform login. You can consider login=entrar
The exclamation mark before the "=" works?