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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Erors
# 1  
Old 11-21-2002
Question Erors

Hello all,

By installing oracle 9i on solaris 9
as root i get a warning that oracle
universal installer can not contineu if the user is root. I log in as a simple user
and then i get that the root must do
a work on tmp/

what work???

i found the script in the

how can i execute it???

# 2  
Old 11-27-2002
First, check that the script is executable. Change directory to the directory where the script is located and list the file ( ls -l ./ )

Also, check your documentation - I know with Sybase a sybase user account is created before the install so it can be used instead of using root. I believe Oracle does the same.
# 3  
Old 11-27-2002
I think you have to start the installation with normal user account. In between it will prompt you to run 2 scripts as root. You may temporaririly login as root from another telnet session and excute the scripts and continue the installation. This is the way it works for oracle8i. I believe the same for oracle9i
# 4  
Old 11-28-2002
I agree to one upstairs. Pls attention:
1.Do not use the root account as the oracle account,but you'd better Create UserGroups and accounts.
2.The Installer creates the orainstRoot.shscript in the tmp directory and prompts you to run the script when it finishes
installing Oracle products. Log in as the root user and run the script. The script sets the necessary file permissions for Oracle products and performs other root-related configuration activities. To run the script use the following commands:
# cd tmp
# ./
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