Hey all,
I'm trying to configure a system so when it reboots it'll automatically log as a user I have selected. I've never done this nor' as I to sure on how to. This is teh best I have found on teh web and well I've changed a few things. but does anyone who has done this know if it'll work or what?
In the /etc/inittab file set the initdefault to 4,
then create a directory /etc/rc4.d so on boot up it'll be there when it looks for it. (follow the s3 process),
Then create a file to go in /etc/rc4.d/S99sulogin or S99login.
I don't know if that would work. Would it work? I got no idea.
If it would work how would I go about writting the script? (I'm hopeless on scripts still learning them)
Does anyone know of any better ways of going about doing what I want to?
Oh yeah the O/S is Solaris 7 and I don't mind if I crash the system in trying so throw ahead all your idea'a but just mention if you think it'll crash the system so I can try some others before. Well the ones I think that wont crash the system anyway
Thanks for teh help if someone can help