lvsplit and lvmerge missing

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# 1  
Old 11-12-2002
Data lvsplit and lvmerge missing

I have an automated backup script that runs nightly. I already know from other posts that using the CPIO is not a good idea.
Anyway, I was running HP-UX 10.20, and had to upgrade to 11.00. I didn't have enough disk space for a clean upgrade, so I had to do a cold install.
My problem is, my lvsplit and lvmerge commands are missing, and my backup splits the volumes, backs-up the "b" side and re-merges them.
Any ideas on how to get the 2 commands back?
# 2  
Old 11-12-2002
lvsplit and lvmerge should be in /usr/sbin BUT you must have the optional HP MirrorDisk/UX software (according to the man page which is still in the 11 version - just not the software). The old location on version 10 was /sbin (but the software was an option there too from what I can tell).
# 3  
Old 11-12-2002
check for all applications and new OS patches since the dist you loaded

I just recently upgraded from 11 to 11i. The nature of the upgrade requires you to reload the applications that are extra like JFSOnline, MirrorDisk/UX, Glance, etc... which go with the version of the OS that you upgraded to. So your old applications will not be valid. Similar to how a patch is superceeded. The old OS software is deactivated and removed.

I inadvertently loaded the 11i Enterprise version and didn't specify the applications, so I had to load them all separately. Smilie Get your Application CD and load the other apps from there. I would check to see if anything else is missing.

Also, I would download from HP or your local depot any OS patches that have come out since the distribution of the 11.x OS that you used to install the upgrade.

I am finding out there are many things you need to validate at/after upgrade time.

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