Can I use a general printer(HP LaserJet 1200) on solaris?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Can I use a general printer(HP LaserJet 1200) on solaris?
# 1  
Old 10-29-2002
Can I use a general printer(HP LaserJet 1200) on solaris?

can it be used?

how to config it?

# 2  
Old 10-30-2002
The answer is yes you can.

I can't remember if this printer has an in built jetdirect card or not, if it hasn't you can buy one.

Then you can either download the jetdirect software from the web and install the printer through the software


for a basic setup you can just and the ip address of the printer to the /etc/host file and add the printer queue like so.

lpadmin -p (printer queue name) -s ( Host name of printer)

i.e lpadmin -pmyqueue -sofficeprinter

To test the printer key in
lp -dmyqueue /etc/group
# 3  
Old 10-30-2002
Thanks a lot.

But I'm still somewhat confusing. Would you please tell me what the 'printer queue name' mean???
Smilie Smilie Smilie

Thanks again
# 4  
Old 10-31-2002
Printer queues...

If you run the command below, it will show you what printers you currently have setup on your Solaris server.

lpstat -t | more

You will see a device name (i.e queue name) and then the physical (server) name of the printer.

system for hp2: accounts1 (as printer lpt1_text)
system for bighp1: accounts1 (as printer lpt1_text)

hp2 as above is a queue name that gets used by an application.
This queue actual prints out on a physical server called accounts1. Accounts 1 is the name of the printer in the /etc/hosts files

The same printer is also known as printer queue bighp1 for another application, but physically is the same printer as hp2.

What you need to do,

Attach your HP printer to the network via a jetdirect card. Lets say you set the IP address of the jetdirect card as
You then edit your /etc/hosts file and add the line hp_printer

you should now be able to ping hp_printer (to make sure hp_printer is found over the network)

No lets say you want to create a printer queue called mark for instance to the hp_printer printer.

-p queue name
-s what the printer is known as in the /etc/hosts file
-T interface file hplaser is standard for hp printers
-I font type

lpadmin -p mark -s hp_printer -T hplaser -I pcl

run the lpstat -t | more command again and you should see your queue called mark against a physical printer hp_printer

test the printer by running a native print commnad to the printer queue mark.

-d queue name to send a print request to.
/etc/group is the name of the file to print

lp -d mark /etc/group

The printer should burst into life.

Hope it helps
# 5  
Old 10-31-2002
If you want me to send you the jetdirect software, give me your email address and I'll pass it on.

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