editing bash command line with vi

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# 1  
Old 09-03-2002
editing bash command line with vi

Is there a way using bash that I can edit a command line using vi.

I.e. if I have a long command line and I want to edit it.....by typing vi and then having the command open in an editing window....

I beleive this can be done in k shell by pressing v....however can find out how this can be done in bash.
# 2  
Old 09-03-2002

is it really needed

why not use the vi first.

i mean to say that you can write the command in a file using the vi editor and then execute it

i just tried this also which may sound a bit funny

alias "exec=vi /tmp/file;sh /tmp/junk"

now when you say exec, it would open a file, you can write your command in that and when you save and exit, it would execute that same file.
# 3  
Old 09-03-2002
Cheers... although not what I'm after.... I'm comfortable with editing the command line (esp with bash using the arrow keys and ctrl+a and crtl+e)....but was just curious if there is a way to do what I have asked. I'm really not after a work around as I know plenty....just adding some artillery to my skills really.

# 4  
Old 09-03-2002
You should be able to put a "set -o vi" in your .bashrc...
I think you will have to press [Esc] first to put it in edit mode...
Try it out.

Type "set -o" to get a list of options - the only downside is that you won't be in emacs mode anymore, so arrows won't work (to scroll up, you'll have to type "[Esc]" then "k" for example).
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