Shell to run query, encrypt and send email

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# 8  
Old 07-17-2002
MySQL resolved

I used one of the script posted here for email attachement.

Thank you all.Smilie
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We need a script that invokes the sql query every 14 days ans send email

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ftpmail(1)						      General Commands Manual							ftpmail(1)

ftpmail - FIFO-based Perl script for sending email based on proftpd TransferLog SYNOPSIS
ftpmail [ --help ] [ --fifo fifo-path ] [ --from email-address ] [ --log xferlog-file ] [ --recipient email-address ] [ --subject email- subject ] [ --smtp-server server-address ] [ --attach-file ] [ --auth smtp-auth-info-file ] [ --ignore-users regex-pattern ] [ --watch- users regex-pattern ] DESCRIPTION
ftpmail is a Perl script designed to read ProFTPD's TransferLog log entries, watching for uploads, and to send an automatic email notifica- tion when uploads occur. To use ftpmail , you configure your proftpd daemon to write its TransferLog to a FIFO; the ftpmail program is a FIFO reading program which then processes those log messages. OPTIONS
--help Display a short usage description, including all available options. --attach-file If used, this will cause a copy of the uploaded file to be included, as an attachment, in the generated email. --auth smtp-auth-info-file Configures the path to a file containing SMTP authentication information. The configured file should look like this: user username password password --fifo fifo-path Indicates the path to the FIFO to which proftpd is writing its TransferLog. That is, this is the path that you used for the TransferLog directive in your proftpd.conf. This parameter is REQUIRED. --from email-address Specifies the email address to use in the From email header. This parameter is REQUIRED. --ignore-users regex-pattern Specifies a Perl regular expression. If the uploading user name matches this regular expression, then an email notification is NOT sent; otherwise, an email is sent. --log xferlog-path Since this script reads the TransferLog using FIFOs, the actual TransferLog file is not written by default. Use this option to write the normal TransferLog file, in addition to watching for uploads. --recipient email-address Specifies an email address to which to send an email notification of the upload. This option can be used multiple times to specify multiple recipients. AT LEAST ONE recipient is REQUIRED. --smtp-server server-address Specifies the SMTP server to which to send the email. This parameter is REQUIRED. --subject subject Specify a custom Subject email header for the email sent. The default Subject is: User '$user' uploaded file '$file' via FTP --watch-users regex-pattern Specifies a Perl regular expression. If the uploading user name matches this regular expression, then an email notification is sent; otherwise, no email is sent. FILES
/var/log/xferlog AUTHORS
ProFTPD is written and maintained by a number of people, full credits can be found on SEE ALSO
proftpd(8), xferlog(5) Full documentation on ProFTPD, including configuration and FAQs, is available at For help/support, try the ProFTPD mailing lists, detailed on Report bugs at March 2011 ftpmail(1)