Set up apache to point at my homepage

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Set up apache to point at my homepage
# 1  
Old 06-17-2002
Power Set up apache to point at my homepage

I have just install apache 1.3.22 on my solaris 2.6 with virtualhost which is working fine but I want to configure my httpd.conf file so that when I type in my url on an internet browsers it goes straight to my home page.
eg should display my home page

at the monent when I type in it displays a blank page but when I type in it displays my home page.

I want to diplay my home page without type in /homepage.

Can you help?

Thanks in Advance
# 2  
Old 06-18-2002
You need to add /homepage to the document root entry in your httpd.conf file
# 3  
Old 06-18-2002
Thanks but I have already added my homepage to my
DocumnetRoot in httpd.conf file but this did not solve the problem.

my DocumentRoot is /www/files/big/myhomepage.html

when my DocumentRoot was set to /www/files/big it
displays an index of all file within the big directory but I just want my url to display my
# 4  
Old 06-19-2002
Try renaming it to index.html (or index.htm). I would have thought the document root would have worked.
# 5  
Old 06-20-2002

Thanks I add my hompage to

Directory Index and it work fine

That is

Directory Index homepage.html

Thanks again
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