Command for "Resident memory Size"

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# 1  
Old 06-07-2002
Question Command for "Resident memory Size"

Hi Everyone.-

Coul you tell me how to obtain the "Resident memory size" for any program runs on Dec TRU64 machine.

What is the command in order to obtaing this value??

Best Regards
# 2  
Old 06-07-2002
I don't know tru64, but until a tru64 expect checks in, I will try a couple of guesses.

First look at your man page ps and see if there is a way that you can specify exactly which fields to display. Both HP-UX and SunOS can do this and they a field called rss (resident set size). If you also can get your ps to display rss that should do it.

There is a freeware program called top. HP-UX bundles it in with the os. And it's at freeware sites for SunOS. Top has a field called RES that also does this.

I hope one of these works for you.
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