Downloading RedHat 7.3 Install

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# 1  
Old 06-04-2002
Downloading RedHat 7.3 Install

I want to download redhat 7.3 and came to this download mirror:

I was hoping thats the right dir, cuz i already downloaded all the iso's in there, but could someone tell me what the difference between valhalla-i386-disc1.iso and valhalla-SRPMS-disc1.iso?
# 2  
Old 06-04-2002
i have tried to went in, but blocked by my firewall, anyway i do believe the file is the same only the format is diffrent. Such as valhalla-SRPMS-disc1.iso might be in SRPM format. Might mistake but i strongly believe it could be in that format.
# 3  
Old 06-04-2002
What is srpm format? do i need it?
# 4  
Old 06-04-2002
I use a tool called "alien" to let play around with the SRPM without
having to install the SRPM. "alien -t SRPM" will create a tgz of the SRPM file that I can play with.

The easyiest senario is when there are no RedHat specific patches or files. This is because in the SRPM there is only the ".spec" file and the source "tar.gz" file.
# 5  
Old 06-05-2002
SRPM is a "source RPM". If you're a first time user, only use RPMs... Better yet, pay the 10 bucks or so on a site like cheapbytes to have the disks burned and shipped to you.
# 6  
Old 06-06-2002
LoL, i know how to burn cd's i just dont know which ones to burn, damn, i already installed with regular disks 1-3 would there have been any benifit to using the SRPM discs instead?
# 7  
Old 06-06-2002
If you're already instaled, no.
According to the GPL, which Linux systems are licensed under, you must make source code available. That's why the SRPMs are there. Stick with simple first, and later on if you want to browse redhat source code, grab the SRPMs.
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