trace route command

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# 8  
Old 05-28-2002

i had antivirus program in my dell box , with personal fire wall.
thanx alot
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ripngd(1M)																ripngd(1M)

ripngd - RIPng routing daemon for IPv6 SYNOPSIS
config_file] trace_options] [trace_file] DESCRIPTION
is a routing daemon that works with Route Administration Manager (RAMD) for IPv6. This routing daemon is an implementation of Routing Information Protocol for IPv6 defined in RFC 2080. is invoked automatically if it is enabled in the configuration file. Options supports the following command-line options: Parses the configuration file for syntax errors and terminates exits with status 0 if the configuration file contains no error. In case of any error, exits with a non-zero value. prints the configuration file errors, if any, to the standard output. Parses the configuration file for syntax errors and terminates Specifies an alternate configuration file to be used by By default, uses the configuration file. Specifies that runs as a normal process and not as a daemon process. Specifies that does not modify the kernel forwarding table. That is, will not send route updates to ramd(1M). Suppresses stderr messages of This option suppresses informational messages which are normally printed to the standard output, and log error messages through sys- logd(1M). By default, errors are logged in Specifies a comma-separated list of trace options that must be enabled when starting No space is allowed between this option and its arguments. See ramd.conf(4) for information on valid trace options and tracing. trace_file Name of the file used by to log tracing information. If trace options are specified without specifying a trace file, uses the default trace file Signal Processing The following HP-UX signals can be used to control Specifies to reread the configuration file. reads the configuration file and reconfigures its policies. Specifies that the current state of be written to dump file Graceful shutdown. On receipt of attempts a graceful shutdown. removes all protocol route from the kernel routing table upon receiving Toggle tracing. If tracing is enabled, this signal suspends tracing and closes the trace file. If tracing is disabled, opens the trace file and initiates tracing. This is useful for moving trace files. cannot be used if does not enable tracing in the configuration file. AUTHOR
was developed by Future Software Ltd. SEE ALSO
netstat(1), ifconfig(1M), ram_monitor(1M), ramd(1M), rdc(1M), fork(2), ramd.conf(4). ripngd(1M)