extracting .rar files

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# 1  
Old 05-09-2002
extracting .rar files

Can someone throw light on opening a .rar file?

# 2  
Old 05-11-2002
Search for a tool called "unrar" for your operating system. I know they exist, but I've never used it.
# 3  
Old 05-13-2002
Thanks for the info.. but i get the following error.. Am i missing something?

$unrar travis05.rar
/bin/sh/unrar: Not a directory.

# 4  
Old 05-13-2002
Not sure - I've never used it before.
It does look like it's tring to either execute something (the /bin/sh), or a script inside is messed up.

[time passes...] Smilie

I just downloaded it, and it seems that the version I got is compiled against a different GLib than I have, but for some reason "rar" works...
The rar options would be :

rar e archive.rar

I got this info by just running "rar" - it should give you a list of possible commands.
# 5  
Old 05-15-2002
Of course, you could always try WinRAR

Ahh...if you don't mind extracting it in Windows, try downloading WinRAR and use it to open the file. It's a good all-around zip/tar extracting tool.

RAR rocks.
# 6  
Old 05-15-2002
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