Lockout Users

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# 8  
Old 04-28-2002
Originally posted by linux_guru
The correct way to do this is:

touch /etc/nologin

Just remember to remove /etc/nologin, when you are finished. Rebooting will automatically remove it.
This is really a great solution!
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lpusers(1M)						  System Administration Commands					       lpusers(1M)

lpusers - set printing queue priorities SYNOPSIS
lpusers -d priority-level lpusers -q priority-level -u login-ID-list lpusers -u login-ID-list lpusers -q priority-level lpusers -l DESCRIPTION
The lpusers command sets limits to the queue priority level that can be assigned to jobs submitted by users of the LP print service. The first form of the command (with -d) sets the system-wide priority default to priority-level, where priority-level is a value of 0 to 39, with 0 being the highest priority. If a user does not specify a priority level with a print request (see lp(1)), the default priority level is used. Initially, the default priority level is 20. The second form of the command (with -q and -u) sets the default highest priority-level (0-39) that the users in login-ID-list can request when submitting a print request. The login-ID-list argument may include any or all of the following constructs: login-ID A user on any system system_name!login-ID A user on the system system_name system_name!all All users on system system_name all!login-ID A user on all systems all All users on all systems Users that have been given a limit cannot submit a print request with a higher priority level than the one assigned, nor can they change a request that has already been submitted to have a higher priority. Any print requests submitted with priority levels higher than allowed will be given the highest priority allowed. The third form of the command (with -u) removes any explicit priority level for the specified users. The fourth form of the command (with -q) sets the default highest priority level for all users not explicitly covered by the use of the second form of this command. The last form of the command (with -l) lists the default priority level and the priority limits assigned to users. OPTIONS
The following options are supported: -d priority-level Set the system-wide priority default to priority-level. -l List the default priority level and the priority limits assigned to users. -q priority-level Set the default highest priority level for all users not explicitly covered. -q priority-level -u login-ID-list Set the default highest priority-level that the users in login-ID-list can request when submitting a print request. -u login-ID-list Remove any explicit priority level for the specified users. EXIT STATUS
The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. non-zero An error occurred. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWpsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
lp(1), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 19 Aug 1996 lpusers(1M)