Replacing $ in variable

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# 1  
Old 02-29-2008
Replacing $ in variable

I have a variable like


I want to replace each $ in string k with say "XXX".
so that k becomes like this "XXXDESTDIR/XXXPKG/XXXVERSION"

when I use echo $k | sed -e "s/\$/XXX" it actually passes expanded of variables $DESTDIR, $PKG and $VERSION to sed.

Please help.

# 2  
Old 02-29-2008
Replacing "$" in variable

I have a variable like


I want to replace each $ in string k with say "XXX".
so that k becomes like this "XXXDESTDIR/XXXPKG/XXXVERSION"

when I use echo $k | sed -e "s/\$/XXX" it actually passes expanded of variables $DESTDIR, $PKG and $VERSION to sed.

Please help.
# 3  
Old 02-29-2008
probably the variable k is not formed correctly. Can you try echo $k and see if you get $DESTDIR/$PKG/$VERSION ? Are you forming the variable k like this : k="\$DESTDIR/\$PKG/\$VERSION" ? if so, the sed command works as expected.
# 4  
Old 02-29-2008
Originally Posted by sank
probably the variable k is not formed correctly. Can you try echo $k and see if you get $DESTDIR/$PKG/$VERSION ? Are you forming the variable k like this : k="\$DESTDIR/\$PKG/\$VERSION" ? if so, the sed command works as expected.
$DESTDIR/$PKG/$VERSION is coming from a read only file to k while reading.
# 5  
Old 02-29-2008
then, you need to see how to read it into k by escaping the $. can you tell us how you are reading it from the file and assigning to k ?
# 6  
Old 02-29-2008
I am using while loop like

while read k

.....// if $DESTDIR is present in k then go to next line in file
because DESTDIR is not defined .
use value of k as it is it may be $PKG/$VERSION
as these variable are defined.

done < $file
# 7  
Old 02-29-2008
Originally Posted by ashish_uiit
I am using while loop like

while read k

.....// if $DESTDIR is present in k then go to next line in file
because DESTDIR is not defined .
use value of k as it is it may be $PKG/$VERSION
as these variable are defined.

done < $file
when you do 'echo $k', do you see the shell variables expanded ?
I feel that you need to escape $ by adding '\' everytime you append it to k.
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