How to Sort Records Uniquely?

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# 8  
Old 02-18-2008
Originally Posted by otheus
It's not clear what key should be used for the sort. But if it were the string as a whole, we could try:

perl -0045 -ne'$/="%";$X{$_}++ } END { foreach (sort keys %X) { chop; print $_,"Count: ", $X{$_},"\n%"; ' filename

You can change "sort keys" to "sort { EXPR } keys" where EXPR is an expression that compares $a and $b and returns 0, -1, or 1. The implied default is "$a <=> $b", but you can customize it to sort on a subfield, like:

foreach (sort {
   ($a =~ /dstport: (\d+)/m) <=> ($b =~ /dstport:  (\d+)/m); 
} keys %X) ....

Thank you for your comment,
I've just started to study perl.
# 9  
Old 02-18-2008
Originally Posted by earnstaf
Thanks... the awk code seems to be doing the trick. Is there any way to count the # of instances of each record within awk?

Found typo and got perl code working... Any way to count instances?

awk 'NF{x[$0]++}END{for(k in x)printf "%s\ncount: %d\n%\n",k,x[k]} ' RS="%" filename

# 10  
Old 02-18-2008
Originally Posted by radoulov

awk 'NF{x[$0]++}END{for(k in x)printf "%s\ncount: %d\n%\n",k,x[k]} ' RS="%" filename

Very nice radoulov... thanks for all your help. One final question: Can you think of any way to sort the records based on the output of count? Is it possible with awk? Sort can't do it due to my original problem of sorting not treating my records as full records.
# 11  
Old 02-18-2008
The bug in my perl script is the "chop". I've fixed it and added sort-by-count (in ascending order; swap $a and $b to get in descending order).

perl -0045 -ne '$/="%"; $X{$_}++ } END { foreach (sort { $X{$a} <=> $X{$b} } keys %X) { $c=$X{$_}; chop; print $_,"Count: ", $c,"\n%"; ' filename

# 12  
Old 02-19-2008
Originally Posted by earnstaf
Very nice radoulov... thanks for all your help. One final question: Can you think of any way to sort the records based on the output of count? Is it possible with awk? Sort can't do it due to my original problem of sorting not treating my records as full records.
You could try something like this:

awk 'NF { 
c = x[$0] > c ? x[$0] : c 
} END {
for (i=c; i; i--)
  for (k in x)
    if (x[k] == i)
      printf "%s\ncount: %d\n%\n",k,x[k]
} ' RS="%" filename

# 13  
Old 02-19-2008
Both the awk and perl versions work great... thanks guys.
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