Tape format?

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# 1  
Old 03-20-2002
Question Tape format?

I've got the job of trying to find a file on tape to restore it. Only problem is I got no idea what the format is. The network admin is on holidays and can't contact him.

Does anyone know how I can find out the tape format so I can then look at the contents of the tape.

It's on a Solaris 7 box. Both 4mm and 8mm tapes. SCSI externel tape drives.

Thanks a heap in advanced!

# 2  
Old 03-20-2002
If im not mistaken you may try this

$ dtype /dev/rStp0

$ tape -a getdensity /dev/rStp0

*Note: rStp0 might be vary with your device ID. try to change it and use the commands above. Post back if that doesnt help.
# 3  
Old 03-20-2002
killerserv, thanks for the help. But it didn't work though Smilie I tried teh commands on 3 different machines and neither of them worked.
# 4  
Old 03-21-2002
Ok try here. Check this webpage (in*.pdf) it states the commands to check the Tape format (one huge list) Might works.
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