While Loop assistance.

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# 1  
Old 02-05-2008
While Loop assistance.

I am trying to make a simple while loop which reads in a text until the person types quit. And it's not working, and I know it's a rather simple problem I just can't seem to understand... Once again all assistance is greatly appreciated.

while astring!="quit"
read astring
if astring="z"
astring="hello my name is Gsmith and I have 5 dollars"
echo $astring
echo "Never again"
# 2  
Old 02-05-2008
Tools perhaps the issue was with variable names

try the following:

while [ $astring != "quit" ]
read astring
if [ $astring = "z" ]
bstring="hello my name is Gsmith and I have 5 dollars"
echo $bstring
echo "Never again"
# 3  
Old 02-05-2008
Once again you've saved my day!

yes that was in fact the problem... odd how that worked. I will have to mind my variables much closer.
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