How do i print this output all on the same line?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers How do i print this output all on the same line?
# 1  
Old 02-05-2008
How do i print this output all on the same line?

I have this simple script which gives info on HBA ports. How do i get it all to print on the same line?


if [ -f $TMP_INFOFILE ]; then


if [ -f $PORT_INFOFILE ]; then

# Creating port list for fcinfo specific query

fcinfo hba-port | grep HBA | awk '{print $4}' >> $PORT_INFOFILE 2>&1

# read port info
#setting up variables within the body of the for loop

for i in `cat $PORT_INFOFILE`

OSVER=`fcinfo hba-port $i | grep -i "OS Device" | cut -d':' -f2`
CONT=`fcinfo hba-port $i | grep -i "OS Device" | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -d'/' -f4`
MANU=`fcinfo hba-port $i | grep -i "Manufacturer" | cut -d':' -f2`
MOD=`fcinfo hba-port $i | grep -i "Model" | cut -d':' -f2`

DEV=`cfgadm -al $CONT | grep disk | awk '{printf $1"\n"}' | cut -d':' -f3` >> $TMP_INFOFILE

echo "$DEV" >> $TMP_INFOFILE
luxadm display $DEV | grep "DEVICE PROPERTIES" | cut -d':' -f2 >> $TMP_INFOFILE
echo "HBA-Port-WWN-------- $i" >> $TMP_INFOFILE
echo "OS Device----------$OSVER" >> $TMP_INFOFILE
echo "Manufacturer--------$MANU" >> $TMP_INFOFILE
echo "Model---------------$MOD" >> $TMP_INFOFILE

if [ $MOD == "375-3108-xx" ]; then
echo "############Crystal-2A############" >> $TMP_INFOFILE

elif [ $MOD == "375-32X3-01" ]; then
echo "############Prism############" >> $TMP_INFOFILE

elif [ $MOD == "LP11002-S" ]; then
echo "############Pyramid-E2############" >> $TMP_INFOFILE

elif [ $MOD == "LP10000DC-S" ]; then
echo "############Rainbow############" >> $TMP_INFOFILE



HBA-Port-WWN-------- 10000000c9420b4b
OS Device---------- /dev/cfg/c10
Manufacturer-------- Emulex
Model--------------- LP10000DC-S
# 2  
Old 02-05-2008
cat $TMP_INFOFILE | xargs ( >newfile_if_you_wish)
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