Maximum size of sed file...

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# 15  
Old 03-25-2002
The sed command will perform the substitution against the whole file - and it needs to as I don't know which line the substitution appears on - and the substituition will appear on a number of different lines.

The for loop against the large sed file will take each line from the sed file - then run through the entire input file looking for substitutions - the output from this is the entire file again - with it's substituions made.

Therefore the for loop's output will indeed (as is) the entire file for each time it loops through. Appending is not so flash.

The only way to use your for loop - is instead of appending the file, direct the output to temp - then mv it back to the original name... then the following line in the for loop would be applied to the file. This was effectively your original suggestion - which I negated due to it's processing inefficiency....

Great to get all the ideas though!Smilie
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fixnt(1)							      Debian								  fixnt(1)

fixnt - Filter for the Windows NT postscript printer driver. SYNOPSIS
The Windows NT postscript driver has a tendency to make broken postscript files, that are incompatible with psutils. fixnt is a filter that fixes these problems, allowing the use of psnup(1). The filter takes the broken postscript file on stdin, and outputs a fixed postscript file on stdout. It has no other form for invocation and takes no options on the command-line. OPTIONS
fixnt takes no options. BUGS
fixnt does not check for NTPSOct94. For a workaround, use a sed(1) command to replace 'NTPSOct94' with 'NTPSOct95', like so: sed 's/NTPSOct94/NTPSOct95/g' This is particularly important for Windows NT 3.5 users. AUTHOR
fixnt was written by Holger Bauer <>, Michael Rath <>, and Akim Demaille <>. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to the Authors, but avoid sending large postscript files. Patches are always welcome; send to <>. SEE ALSO
psnup(1), sed(1) a2ps February 2003 fixnt(1)