Sharing a user

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# 1  
Old 03-12-2002
Sharing a user

Hey all,

What I am trying to do is share a user. Don't get what I mean? Well on one of the test systems there are 2 main accounts. Now everyone knows the login and password for these accounts because they all need to use those accounts to test software.

What I am trying to do is to setup the machine now so every person who needs the machine and those 2 accounts will have there own login and password so I can keep track of who's doing what. But they still need to be able to use these other 2 accounts programs. They will also need there own home directory (Say 100mb).

What I have though of doing is to setup the 2 users and make multi acocunts for that user. But then I would have like 50 accounts of the same thing. Then I come across the problem of the home directories part.

Does anyone have any idea's on how I could setup these 2 accounts allowing everyone else to access the programs/software in them but yet not have the permissions to change those accounts at all. Be able to write to the own home directory and no others! Read the others directories but NOT write to them.

I know there must be a easier way them the way I thought about. So if anyone can provide some light. Thanks in advanced people!



Ok I have worked out how I can do part of it but now I need something different.

I need to be able to setup a slice on the drive, create every user a directory and only give then 100mb. How can this be done?

O by the way incase anyone is wondering all you have to do to share the software/programs is create the user and give the the first users home directory. It wont allow the new user to write of make any changes to it at all.


Last edited by merlin; 03-12-2002 at 10:43 PM..
# 2  
Old 03-13-2002
Have you tried using a new group? They can all be a part of this group, and it should be fairly seamless as long as the file permissions are set correctly (whch would also involve setting their umask correctly in their .profile)... They could also use sudo, but some users may tire of having to type "sudo -u whomever whatever" for the majority of their work...
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