Gnome doing strange things.

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# 1  
Old 03-02-2002
Data Gnome doing strange things.

I dual-booted a Pentium 166 with 48mbs of RAM and 2 gig HD between Windows 95 and Redhat 7.

I installed the workstation setup, and selected Gnome as my GUI. Everything went fine, setup was great, no bugs. My monitor is ancient, so it was in the monitor list, and I entered my VRAM as 1mb.

All was well, until I attempted to use Gnome. The loading screens were OK, but everything else was blotchy, gray areas covered icons and menus, and, shortly put: Horrible.

I have no idea what to do, I have considered reinstallation, but have dismissed that thus far as an act of insanity.

Any help? I hope I gave enough here..

Last edited by Furtoes00; 03-02-2002 at 07:20 PM..
# 2  
Old 03-03-2002
The same problem i had when once i configure my Linux too.
Ok did you get to text mode and go to Xconfigurator? from what my experience in this problem.. i found out you must select a correct VGA for you Linux. Try something smaller. try 16Bit and 800X600 or less rather then 24Bit 1024X768.. The smaller you sellect its ok with it and you can see your graphics look excellent. Give a try. Post back if this solution doesnt help.
# 3  
Old 03-07-2002

I tried diffrent resolutions, but nothing is working. I also noticed "ctrl" + "alt" + "+" doesn't work.
# 4  
Old 03-12-2002
Other info

I had originally installed Linux in text mode. I attempted to reinstall in graphic mode. On loading, I found it was exibiting the same behavior in the graphic setup as it was in Gnome.


It could just be my computer.
# 5  
Old 03-13-2002
Well, it may be having a hard time trying to render your screen with a relatively slow processor combined with a pretty small amount of RAM. I've had better luck with KDE in low-memory machines, but no full-featured window manager will work very well in a low-memory environment... It's also possible that your system is thrashing trying to manage your memory with the additional load - does your hard drive go crazy reading/writing when Gnome is up?
# 6  
Old 03-18-2002
No, my HD reads fine. I don't think it would be the RAM and proccesser capabilities-maybe so. After all, have not others gotten Gnome to work on something smaller than what I have?
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