"include" directory is not there

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# 1  
Old 01-01-2008
"include" directory is not there

I'm in the process of installing "OpenLDAP" on Solaris 10, this required for me to install BerkeleyDB package, after the installation of the BerkeleyDB package & when trying to run "./configure" for LDAP, i got the error of:
"configure: error: BDB/HDB: BerkeleyDB not available"

I see that "/usr/local/include" is not there, could that be related?

Also, Any idea why this directory doesn't exist? i see it on the a similar servers we have but not on that one
# 2  
Old 01-01-2008
Personally I use prebuilt packages for Solaris from Freeware for Solaris.
# 3  
Old 01-01-2008
I do too, but i don't know which one is responsible to create "/usr/local/include"
I don't know what is missing?
# 4  
Old 01-01-2008
When installing binary packages you don't have to run ./configure, that is part of the build process.

All you do is unpack and use pkgadd.
# 5  
Old 01-01-2008
I will do that,thanks for the pointer, but am i doing any thing wrong caused the "include" directory from being created?
# 6  
Old 01-01-2008
The directory will be created if it is part of the package. Smilie

Typically Gnu/FOSS gets put in /usr/local/xxxx, so for instance OpenSSL will have include files that it would put in /usr/local/include rather than /usr/include which is for the operating system.
# 7  
Old 01-01-2008
I also see non of the "sunfreeware.com" has a *.pkg
All i see there is the tar.gz ones & the *-local ones
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