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Old 12-24-2007
Question Help: "Newbie" looking to Program

Hey everyone! I'm new to the forums, and very curious in UNIX.

Presently, I'm running my laptop on Windows Vista Home Premium, which I hear is very limiting in the amount of coding it can do. I'm looking to learn how to start programming. I want to learn Python, C/C++, Java, Perl, and LISP, in the most user-friendly OS possible. What UNIX OS is the best for beginner looking to learn the fundamentals of programming?

And aside from that, does anyone here have any advice for me, as a first-time rookie? I have no programming experience whatsoever, save for some SQL databasing that I managed for a private World of Warcraft server that I maintained.

Thanks in advance! Smilie
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vcatobj(1Vi)															      vcatobj(1Vi)

vcatobj - concatenate Vista data files SYNOPSIS
vcatobj [-option ...] [infile ...] [> outfile] DESCRIPTION
vcatobj copies the contents of one or more input files to an output file. All objects found in all input files (such as images, edge lists, and comments) are copied, in order, to the single output file. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS
vcatobj accepts the following options: -help Prints a message describing options. -in infile ... Specifies one or Vista data files to be input. -out outfile Specifies where to write the output as a Vista data file. Input files can be specified on the command line or allowed to default to the standard input stream. The output file can be specified by the -out option or allowed to default to the standard output stream. SEE ALSO
vcatbands(1Vi), Vista(7Vi) NOTES
All input files are read before the output file is written. The program vcatobj was originally be known as vcat, created by Art Pope. AUTHOR
Art Pope <> Vista Version 1.12 24 April 1993 vcatobj(1Vi)