return codes from rsh commands...

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# 1  
Old 02-20-2002
Question return codes from rsh commands...

I have a Korn shell script that executes a number of commands on a remote server.

Is it possible to feed in the last exit code of the rsh commands (i.e. something like $?) to a variable within the local shell script?

I tried the following:

returncode=$(rsh spns31 ". /u/produser/.profile.spn31; sas ${SLIB}spbmb.test -LOG \"$JOBDIR/\"; ")

but returncode is always a 0. I assume this is because the rsh command worked ok, it was just the commands that were being executed within that which were bad.

Ideally, what I want is a way to get the value of the last command in the rsh step back to a variable in this script.

Is this possible?
# 2  
Old 02-20-2002
Untested, but what about:

value=`rsh host "command1 ; command 2 ; echo $?"`
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