Unix scripting pl help

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# 1  
Old 12-05-2007
Unix scripting pl help

Hi All,
I am new to Unix Scripting. I have below scenario. I need to write a Unix function with the following.

1. I have table. From this table I need to write a query.

SELECT Col1(File_nm),Col2(From_Loc),Col3(To_Loc)

For example

Col1(File_nm) Col2(From_Loc) Col3(To_Loc)

This query will return three records with different Timestamped filename.

2. I need to select recent File_nm(New Timestamp i.e Rec2)

3. eliminate the Control characters from the above file

4. Copy the file from HOME/RAD to INBOX/OUT

Earliest response appreciated.

# 2  
Old 12-06-2007
If I understand you right, you want to perform a copy for each of the files returned by that select statement?

If we assume the following as a sample of your input:
Col1(File_nm) Col2(From_Loc) Col3(To_Loc)

We'd want the following bit of shell
while read line
`echo "$line" | cut -d ':' -f 2 | awk '{ print "cp "$2"/"$1" "$3 }'`

Then just pipe the input into the script, using tail +2 to remove the 'Col1(...' rubbish.
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