Find and replace a string in multiple files

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# 1  
Old 11-05-2007
Find and replace a string in multiple files

I used the following script

cd pathname
for y in `ls *`;
do sed "s/ABCD/DCBA/g" $y > temp; mv temp $y;

and it worked fine for finding and replacing strings with names etc. in all files of the given path.

I'm trying to replace a string which consists of path (location of file)

say instead of ABCD i have to replace c:/mydocuments/pictures to
d:/mypics/personal , as metacharacters wont be searched in unix this script is failing to replace the string which has a path in it.

now my script is

cd pathname
for y in `ls *`;
do sed "s/'c:/mydocuments/pictures'/'d:/mypics/personal'/g" $y > temp; mv temp $y;

i tired giving the path in single quotes and double quotes, but i see error

sed: command garbled: s/'c:/mydocuments/pictures'/'d:/mypics/personal'/g

And all the contents of the files in the path are erased.
Is there any other way to work this out.

# 2  
Old 11-05-2007
Originally Posted by pharos467
cd pathname
for y in `ls *`;
do sed "s/ABCD/DCBA/g" $y > temp; mv temp $y;
I'm not sure what you are doing but I would recode that as

for y in *
     sed "s/ABCD/DCBA/g" "$y" >temp
     mv temp "$y"

as for your second part, you need to escape the / forward slashes

sed "s/c:\/mydocuments\/pictures/d:\/mypics\/personal\/g/"

# 3  
Old 11-05-2007
if you are familiar with regular expressions in perl:
perl -pi -e 's#c:/mydocuments/pictures#d:/mypics/personal#g' *

modify the regex as per your needs, if required

Last edited by Yogesh Sawant; 11-06-2007 at 08:27 AM..
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