How to connect to the Internet Using RH 7.2 i.e configuration plz Hlp

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers How to connect to the Internet Using RH 7.2 i.e configuration plz Hlp
# 1  
Old 02-05-2002
Question How to connect to the Internet Using RH 7.2 i.e configuration plz Hlp

How to connect to the Internet Using RH 7.2 i.e configuration plz Hlp.....cause I want to accsses to the Internet to download Help and application in the Red hat OS????
# 2  
Old 02-05-2002
there's no obvious answer to how "connecting to the internet".

a few questions needs to be answered first, e.g what connection type do you have (modem, cable, xDSL etc..)?

a quick search at gave me this tutorial (assuming you use a modem):

good luck Smilie
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