Anonymous FTP Server

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# 1  
Old 01-14-2002
Question Anonymous FTP Server

How do I set up and Anonymous FTP Server on Unix FreeBSD v4.3?

Also, how do I set up my account to get root access when I am logged onto my server through ftp?

Thanx in advanced.
# 2  
Old 01-16-2002
Tools hey

theres many version anyhow u can do

man (ftp version)

after edit ur inted.conf

# 3  
Old 01-16-2002
Anon FTP Server

I need more details. I am an absolute newbie on Unix. It is FreeBSD 4.3. I need details on how to set up anon ftp server on this box after the original install is complete and it is up and running.

# 4  
Old 03-31-2002

I'm in the same boat with you.

Only one difference, I have FreeBSD 4.4.

I was able to set up anon FTP through /stand/sysinstall, but I wasn't ever able to get it to work properly. I also wanted to place it somewhere else, and if I don't want it at /usr/ftp or /var/ftp it will hardly work at all.

Also, I did find out how to allow root to log into ftp, access the /etc/ftpusers file and remove root from the list. but if I was you, I wouldn't do that for security reasons; you want to protect your root.

I'm a newbe myself, and I'm also still trying to get all the little stuff like this figured out, but by my experience, the people here arnt to interested in helping us get our wheels turning.

I mean, don't even bother asking them command questions.

Nothing personal guys, but that's how I see it.
# 5  
Old 04-01-2002
This might help

Detailed instructions might be beyond the scope of this Forum as far as I can see, but I have used Wu-FTP may times in the past in many flavors of Linux and Unix and it has served me well in easy setup and maintenance. you will find a manual and instructions here:

You may also want to preview the following link before you go setting up an anonymous ftp server on the internet without ever having done it before. The page shows up with a lot of hypertext tags in my browser but you should be able to work around that if they appear in yours.

Lastly you might want to read this page as well:

Hope this gives ya a push in the right direction.

If God did not want us to have patience, he would never have let us invent Computers. Smilie
# 6  
Old 04-01-2002
Thanks for your reply. You' know, I really should first learn and understand command line a little better before I jump into messing around with stuff like Apache, ftpd, and try to do funky stuff with xwindows like I did with DOS and MacOS, but I get bored with that stuff.

I don't have the time right now to really sit down and go through the links you gave us, but they do look to be very useful.

Thanks for your help Smilie
# 7  
Old 04-02-2002
I'm a newbe myself, and I'm also still trying to get all the little stuff like this figured out, but by my experience, the people here arnt to interested in helping us get our wheels turning.
I don't have the time right now to really sit down and go through the links you gave us, but they do look to be very useful.
Unix helps those that help themselves. You will not learn a darn thing if you want step by step instructions on how to do everything. Learn to love the man pages. The OPs questions would have been answered if he had bothered to read the man page, even after it was suggested. On an OpenBSD box, I found the answer to both of his questions within seconds while reading the man page. Once you get stuck again, then please, by all means, ask for help. But don't refuse to take any initiative in the problem solving while hoping for a turnkey answer.

Now, for the OP, what you need to do is type "man ftpd". Read it. Find the answer to your questions. Then, use a text editor to edit /etc/inetd.conf to change the command-line options to ftpd to the ones you want. Edit any other files you need to (for example, of you choose to allow root logins via ftp, which really isn't a great idea), then restart inetd like this:
type "ps -ax" to get a process listing. Look for the word "inetd" in the right column. Now, make note of the number in the left column of the row that inetd is shown in. This number is the PID, or Process ID. Now type "kill -1 (pid number here)". Now test it out.

Please post back if you have any specific questions.
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