Is there a way scroll text instead of page?

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Is there a way scroll text instead of page?
# 8  
Old 12-18-2001
Using head and tail like that is terribly inefficient. I decided to try a rewrite. Sheesh...I spent all morning on this....
#! /usr/bin/ksh
#  scroller ---  display text, but sleep every few lines.
#  scroller will copy 5 lines from standard input to the 
#  local terminal and then sleep for one second.  
#  You  can override the 5 lines with a "-l n" option.  
#  And you use  a "-s n" to override the sleep time.
#  You can type your interrupt character (often control c)
#  to get a menu that will let you adjust these values.
#  You can use -m to go straight to the menu at startup
#  You can specify filenames or scroller can just read from 
#  standard in.
USAGE="usage: scroller [-s n] [-l n] [-m] [filename1] [filename2] ..."
#  initialize variables
#  Set reasonable initial values here.  TASK controls the main 
#  loop as described below.  snooze is the number of seconds for
#  the sleep.  lpp (lines per page) is the number of lines to
#  dispaly before sleeping.  lines will repeatedly cycle from 0
#  to npp as the program runs.  totallines is a count of lines
#  processed so far.  And we turn off IFS so the reads work with
#  data that has leading white space.

#  Now Process the command line

while getopts :s:l:m  o ; do
        case $o in
        s)      if [[ $OPTARG -gt 0 && $OPTARG -lt 100 ]] ; then
                        print $OPTARG is illegal
        l)      if [[ $OPTARG -gt 0 && $OPTARG -lt 100 ]] ; then
                        print $OPTARG is illegal
        m)      TASK=2
        ?)      print error argument $OPTARG is illegal
shift OPTIND-1
if ((error)) ; then
        print $USAGE

#  Open first file or indicate that we are using stdin

if (($# >= 1)) ; then
        exec < $input
        input="(standard input)"

#  Major loop.  TASK can be 0 or 1 or 2.  If TASK is set we 
#  loop doing either task 1 or task 2.  Either task can switch 
#  to the other.  And both tasks can abort by setting TASK=0.  
#  But control c will switch to task 1.

trap interrupt=1 2
while ((TASK)) ; do
        if ((interrupt)) ; then
        case $TASK in

#   Task 1 --- display service menu

        1)      print  
                print  '=====[[ scroller service menu ]]====='
                print  "      $totallines lines processed so far from $input"
                print  "      sleep seconds = $snooze"
                print  "      lines per page = $lpp"
                print  '   1) list the text'
                print  '   2) set lines per page'
                print  '   3) set sleep seconds'
                print  '   4) abort'
                print -n  "[Enter Selection]====>>"
                read < /dev/tty
                case $REPLY in 
                1)      TASK=2
                2)      print lines per page is currently $lpp
                        print -n enter new value --
                        read val < /dev/tty
                        if [[ $val -gt 0 && $val -lt 100 ]] ; then
                                print $val is illegal
                3)      print sleep seconds is currently $snooze
                        print -n  enter new value --
                        read val < /dev/tty
                        if [[ $val -gt 0 && $val -lt 100 ]] ; then
                                print $val is illegal
                4)      TASK=0
                *)      print illegal response
                        print REPLY = $REPLY

#  Task 2 --- copy lines from stdin to stdout
#    Read a line, increment counts, sleep if it's time

        2)      if read line ; then
                        print -r -- "$line"
                        if ((lines >= lpp)) ; then
                                sleep $snooze
#    No more input.  Open a new file or give up.

                        if [[ $# -ge 1 ]] ; then
                                exec < $input

#   Task * --- can't happen
        *)      print -u2 $0: impossible error TASK = $TASK

((totallines)) && print "$totallines" total lines processed

exit 0

Last edited by Perderabo; 12-18-2001 at 01:52 PM..
# 9  
Old 12-21-2001
Thanks Perderabo -

This script is a little over my head but I will test it out. Thanks.
# 10  
Old 12-21-2001
This scroller is exactly what i needed


This script is perfect. Do you know if there is a way to sleep for less than 1 second? I couldn't find any doc on whether that was possible or not. I think this would make it scroll smoother.
# 11  
Old 12-22-2001
Sleeping for less than a second is not a real good idea in a script. The overhead required to launch a process is too great. The right thing would be to switch to c. But it is easy to write a program like sleep that will sleep for less than a second if you want to give it a try. I wrote one that I call "nodoff". It sleeps for milliseconds. So "nodoff 500" is a half a second. Here it is...
#ifdef __STDC__
#ifdef __cplusplus

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/time.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *argv[];

        int millisecs, microsecs;
        struct timeval tv;



        select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);

Last edited by Perderabo; 01-16-2005 at 03:17 PM.. Reason: Remove html which is no longer supported
# 12  
Old 12-28-2001
wish I knew c

Hey that's cool.
It looks like me learning c would be a good thing. Any suggestions on a good place to start for a beginner?
# 13  
Old 01-03-2002
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