Testing for exit status

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Testing for exit status
# 1  
Old 02-07-2001
I understand what the exit status of a command is, but I am unclear on how to test for it. A brief example is all I really need.
# 2  
Old 02-07-2001
This is just an example of some logic:

ps -ef | grep sendmail | grep -v grep;

if [ $? .eq 1 ] then "restart sendmail;

if [ $? .eq 0 ] then exit;

In the fragment above, the script checks for a running sendmail process. If it returns 'something' (in this case a match on sendmail) the return code is 0. If it returns nothing (no match, process not running) it returns 1. This is how I used to use return codes in shell scripts (similar in C programs, etc.)
# 3  
Old 02-07-2001
Thanks Neo (as always). One more question. What does the $? signify?
# 4  
Old 02-07-2001
$? is the built-in shell variable that holds the exit code of the last command executed in the shell. I think it is used in many shells, but I am not sure which ones exactly. I've used it in KSH and SH (as I recall, but I don't work in Bourne shell, mostly KSH). I do recall $? used to hold the exit code of the last command in the Bourne shell from a 10 year ago past project. Maybe after coffee the neurons with fire from this memory bank Smilie Hope this helps clarify.
# 5  
Old 02-18-2002
I am using CSH and trying to get a similar thing as follows.
I am not getting where I go wrong. could anyone please guide me?

set a = `grep "primary \# secondary" ar128.log`
if($a == 0) then
sed 's/primary \# secondary/secondary \#primary \#secondary/' ar128.log > ar128.log.ext
sed 's/secondary \#primary \#secondary/primary \# secondary/' ar128.log > ar128.log.ext

i get no error even...

# 6  
Old 02-18-2002
A command like:
grep string < file
finds the lines that match string in file. You are setting your "a" variable to all those lines. And the result of the grep will never be a "0" since the string you are searching for is not "0". If nothing matches the string, grep doesn't print a 0. It prints nothing at all. In that case the "a" variable is empty and still won't match "0".

Try piping the grep to "wc -l" so that you set "a" to a count of the lines.
# 7  
Old 02-19-2002
Hi Perderabo,
I was actually trying to get the return value from the grep.
through man grep I found that the return values for grep are like this

0 One or more matches found.
1 No match found.
2 Syntax error or inaccessible file
(even if matches were found).

but while I wanted to print $a it worked as u said. In this case, how can i get these return values ? and If I get that do you think my script would work?

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