grep tab

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# 1  
Old 11-12-2001
grep tab

I want to grep "xxx(tab)iii" but dunno the way to do it.

I've tried : grep "xxx\tiii" * , but it dont works.
Is there anyone that can help me? Smilie
# 2  
Old 11-12-2001
Akuma, depending on what file you are grepping, the tab may just be white space. If this is the case, try using quotes and just one space. Example:
grep "xxx iii" filename.ext

One more idea if that doesn't work. If you know of at least one entry in the file you are looking for, you can count the number of spaces your are trying to grep. It would be even more helpful if you could copy and paste what you are trying to find.
grep "xxx iii" filename.ext

I put five spaces in between in case there where originally five spaces in your tab.

Hope that helps!

# 3  
Old 11-12-2001
Suppose it was a Q separating the xxx and the iii. You would just type "grep "xxxQiii" wouldn't you? The answer to your question is the same, except that instead of Q, you need to type the tab key. Tab is just another character.
# 4  
Old 11-13-2001
With some shells, you may need to make it a literal key, though. In the case that you press tab and either nothing, or something unwanted happens, press Ctrl+V then press tab. Also, you may sometimes type \, then type tab.
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