Loading JDK1.3 on Sparc2.6

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Loading JDK1.3 on Sparc2.6
# 1  
Old 01-25-2001

I have followed instructions to get the jdk for sparc, 1.3 loaded on this sparc workstation machine. I used a tar file and everything seemed to go fine. The usr/j2se directory was created with all the subdirectories and java files. However, attempting to run Java commands fails with a file not found error. It is not a path issue as I created a symbolic link and it does start to open up java. I will try to post the exact message on a follow up. Do I need to load some of the many patches I read about to get this to work? I have not loaded any as I thought it should at least run without the bug fixes. Any help will be most appreciated.
# 2  
Old 01-25-2001
In our JDK distros, there is an environmental variable which has a Java class path to help the JVM find the classes. The installation instructions normally have a step to set these environmental variables. (I put them in /etc/profile)
# 3  
Old 01-25-2001

Thankyou, however we have those set correctly I believe. The java engine actually is starting to launch and then it fails. I have seen it with the path not known and the error is simple not found. Being on 2.6 I think the application of required patches may be the key as some of those patches seem to address library files and other things mentioned in our error. Does this make sense?
# 4  
Old 01-25-2001
Did you compile the Java binaries for static or dynamic libs? Sometimes problems with dynamic lib paths will cause the binary to fail after execution. Did you install the libs and update the dynamic linker configuration file (if using dynamic libs)? Or do you have statically linked binary?
# 5  
Old 01-25-2001
>Did you compile the Java binaries for static or dynamic >libs? Sometimes problems with dynamic lib paths will cause >the binary to fail after execution. Did you install the >libs and update the dynamic linker configuration file (if >using dynamic libs)? Or do you have statically linked >binary?

I did not compile the Java binaries unless the unpacking of the tar file did that for me. I followed directions I got from sun and for Java 2 SDK Installation for Solaris.
They said in part....
On Sparc:

zcat j2sdk-1_3_0-solsparc.tar.Z | tart -xf -

I got 4 packages, became root and installed the packages

pkgadd -d . SUNWjrt etc......

I then had a usr/j2se directory fully loaded and it looked fine. I did not do anything else other then set the symbolic link which had pointed to usr/java1.1 to my new directory, trying bin and then jre with the same results both times. So I dont know how to answer your question.

I did not to anything with the location of libjvm location. There was a note in the instructions about the path within the SDK to the HotSpot Client VM:


The path to the HotSpot Server VM:


I did not know what to do with these being a newbie here. So does any of this ring a bell for you? Thanks.
# 6  
Old 01-25-2001
Yes, you have dynamic loadable binaries with the pre-compiled distro. This means that your shell must know where to find the java dynamic libs. This can be done with an environmental variable (sometimes) like LDCONFIG (if your system has or uses this) or adding the path to a similar configuration file (if your system uses that Smilie )

Which environmental vars are used/installed for this application ? You can find them (on most OS)by typing the <B>env</B> command. Also, find out how your system handles dynamic loadable libs.

# 7  
Old 01-25-2001

Thanks. so it is not the lack of patches!?
I have run env but will look further based on your comments.
Here is the exact error we get by the way:

Error: failed /usr/j2se/jre/lib/sparc/client/libjvm.so, because ld.so.1: /bin/../java/bin/../bin/sparc/native_threads/java: fatal: libCrun.so.1: open failed: No such file or directory
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