I have a file.txt that contains multiple lines similar from below and I would like to extract to other file in a tab/space delimiter some certain values or field.
I would expect to execute a 'cat' command of the file.txt then do a PIPE '|' and may need to use a sed/cut/awk command to extract multiple strings in a file.
Highly appreciate any help.
Last edited by WPGPoseidon; 08-07-2015 at 03:23 PM..
Reason: Add CODE tags.
Thank you for the response.
The below String is what I am expecting to be printed and the rest will be discarded.
I'd just made the below lines as generic string.
Moderator's Comments:
Please use CODE tags as required for forum rules when displaying sample input, output, and code segments.
If there is no logic to describe what characters are to be included or excluded, here is the command you want to produce the output you want from an arbitrary input string:
If there is no logic to describe what characters are to be included or excluded, here is the command you want to produce the output you want from an arbitrary input string:
Hi Don,
That content is in a filename.txt that I need to 'cat' and so I will be expecting to get an ouput to be printed with those string.
I repeat, if there are no rules describing what is to be extracted from a file and what is to be ignored in a file other than specifying the output you want, echo will give you what you want. If using cat to produce your output is important, you can slow down the echo and get the same results with:
Hi Don,
There are multiple files or 1 file of text file that contains different entries for each line that I will expect to grab the string/field for each line.
Example of the Output
I would expect to execute a 'cat' command of the file.txt then do a PIPE '|' and may need to use a sed/cut/awk command to extract multiple strings in a file.
Thank you.
Last edited by Don Cragun; 08-07-2015 at 04:09 PM..
Reason: Add CODE tags again.
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sed -i 's/STRING/'"$a"'/g' filename.ext
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today is monday
the 22 of
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<msisdn xmlns="">0492001956</ msisdn> => numaber inside brackets
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<resMessage>Request time
getBalances_PSM.c(37): d out</resMessage></ns2:getBalancesResponse> => the word... (14 Replies)
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<xxx><document coll="uspatfull" version="0"><CMSdoc>xxxantivirus</CMSdoc><tag1>1</tag1></document><document coll="uspatfull"... (5 Replies)
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for FILE in `cat dirlist`
tar xvf $FILE ./status_*
dirlist is a text... (4 Replies)
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I have 3 more files.
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(I'm not even sure, I might have asked something similar before.):
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