Extracting a block of text from a large file using variables?

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# 15  
Old 03-10-2014
Hi, Klor. This differs quite a bit from your original sample.. Instead of ranges from one begin value to an end value, you are looking for ranges from a begin value to the last consecutive end value. Of those ranges you want to use the last one and within that range you are looking for a sub-range that you control with those external parameters.

Is this the actual format of your file? If not can you provide a representative sample? Is my assessment of your requirements correct?
# 16  
Old 03-10-2014
Hi Scrutinizer

I managed to extract them using

grep -B 2 "0.0000" $LINE.ORBITALS | head -5 > $LINE.MAKEMOL

to create a new file containing the required segment!

Let me know if you would've done the same Smilie

Warm Regards,
# 17  
Old 03-10-2014
If it always the same amount of lines, and it does not need to be the last match only like in your first example and like you mentioned in post #6, but rather the first match, then yes that should work and I would probably chosen a similar approach but with string matching (-F), for example:
grep -F -m 3 -C 2 "0.0000" file

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 03-10-2014 at 12:01 PM..
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