Having some issues with cronjob

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# 1  
Old 02-24-2014
Having some issues with cronjob


i have a cronjob scheduled to run daily at 7AM , the job which i am executing has three other scripts in it to execute. The first scripts gets executed perfectly but the 2nd and 3rd scripts which take 4-5 mins to complete does not executes,is there anything that i am missing.

This is what i do excatly

07 00 * * * /path/to/file/Run.sh

EXPORTDATE=`date --date "2 days ago" +%Y-%m-%d`
echo " $EXPORTDATE "
sh /path/to/file//file.sh $EXPORTDATE
sh /path/to/file/a.sh $EXPORTDATE
sh /path/to/file/b.sh $EXPORTDATE

Last edited by vikatakavi; 02-24-2014 at 12:43 PM..
# 2  
Old 02-24-2014
We dont have enough information to help you... what errors are you getting? What's in the cron logs?
But first of all does this script (run.sh) run correctly when you execute it?
What should we understand from this line:
echo " $EXPORTDATE "sh /path/to/file//file.sh $EXPORTDATE

# 3  
Old 02-24-2014
Hi Vbe,

echo " $EXPORTDATE "sh /path/to/file//file.sh $EXPORTDATE
i corrected this line in the above script it was my mistake when i did ctrl+v
all the scripts in the run.sh executed perfectly when ran manually.
# 4  
Old 02-24-2014
What is your OS?
You should have a look in the cron logs to see what is going on... Because the most obvious sh may be something you have in your environment that cron is not aware of...
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