Loop for file merging in a folder

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# 1  
Old 01-26-2014
Question Loop for file merging in a folder

Dear all,
I have a few files in a folder (lets say 5) and each have a few lines in them. I want to create merges of each of them with the other ones e.g.
files = march, april,may, june, july,
I need the following merges
combinations of 2 == march+arpil, march+may, march+june, march+july ... and the same for the others
combinations of 3 == march+april+may ...
combinations of 4 == march+april+may+june
I tried to write a loop and started with combinations of 2, I get the write file names but for each combination it merges all the files
mkdir output
	for Z in $FZ
		docz=$(basename $Z)
		for V in $FV
			docv=$(basename $V)
			cat $FZ $FV | sort -u > output/${docz}-${docv}

can you point where the problems is and how I can fix it ?
# 2  
Old 01-26-2014
Which OS do you use?
As for me...
[sea@localhost ~]$ FZ="result/*/*"
[sea@localhost ~]$ echo $FZ

And I see no counters for your diffrent merge types (2,3,4).
Using sort after cat'ing 2 files, might mix up their lines.
Also you'll merge March with March, April with April, and so on...

But before going closer/deeper, sorry for asking, is this schoolwork?

Last edited by sea; 01-26-2014 at 10:42 AM.. Reason: Asking because of: result/*/* not working on fedora linux
# 3  
Old 01-26-2014
Hello Sea, I switch between unix and cygwin but now on cygwin
no i have not yet considered them, i was trying to go step by step (which might be the wrong approach)
yes, because some of the details are the same and I dont want to have duplications (e.g. costumer details)

no this is not a schoolwork Smilie, this is me trying to analyse a big data which i thought it might be easier with a code then manually of excel Smilie

btw, I figured out the way to fix the problem with the code above as it was a silly mistake
	cat $FZ $FV | sort -u > output/${docz}-${docv}

should be
		cat $Z $V | sort -u > output/${docz}-${docv}

it should be possible to add some more loops to cover all but is there a better way to code this? (thanks)

Last edited by A-V; 01-26-2014 at 11:06 AM..
# 4  
Old 01-26-2014
Ok then, and yes that should be the case Smilie

Untested but hope it gets you started:
#	Vars
#	Action
	mkdir output

	for C in 2 3 4
		for Z in $FZ

			for V in $FV
				while [[ $I -lt $C ]]
					[[ ! $Z = $V ]] && THESE+=" $V" && let I++
			str=$(echo $THESE|sed s,' ','-',g)
			cat $THESE|sort > output/$str

Note its Shell, i dont know cygwin.

However, this should merge just any 2/3/4 combinations, but not counting +1 from current starting month, so it might be quite january 'oriented'...
eg: march-april but also april-march, so you'll have some 'duplicates'

Just comming back from holidays (fri), so i'm a bit rusty

So to improve it, you could change the list (FZ=*) to an array (FZ=(*) ), which might help for only merges with files 'higher' to the count of the current.
To easy do so, i would use a Z-counter int and a V counter int to 'index'/work with the array.

Last edited by sea; 01-26-2014 at 11:27 AM..
# 5  
Old 01-26-2014
the code is not working but will try to figure out y
yes I have realized in my previous code that I had duplications which I have to try to get rid off as well Smilie
haha... still way better than my skills
# 6  
Old 01-26-2014
The try with array
#	Vars
	ZC=0 # Z Counter
	echo ${FZ[@]}
#	Action
	mkdir output

	for C in 2 3 4
		for Z in ${FZ[@]}

			while [[ $I -gt $C ]]
				NUM=$[ $ZC + $I ]
				THESE+=" ${FZ[$NUM]}"
				let I++
			str=$(echo $THESE|sed s,' ','-',g)
			cat $THESE|sort -u > output/$str

			let ZC++

looked right, but was wrong

Last edited by sea; 01-26-2014 at 11:44 AM..
This User Gave Thanks to sea For This Post:
# 7  
Old 01-26-2014
I guess the structure of my data is not compatible with the naming

so i get errors
test.sh: line 27: output/result/april-result/may: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/july: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/june: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/may: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/april: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/july: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/june: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/may: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/april: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/july: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/june: No such file or directory
test.sh: line 27: output/result/may: No such file or directory
Edit 1:
I have tried to add basename to get it right but I only get 5 files with the name of the months Smilie I think the naming system is not the way it should)
str=$(basename $(echo $THESE|sed s,' ','-',g))

Edit 2:
so I only get e.g. july at the end instead of a name like aril-may-june.txt

Last edited by A-V; 01-26-2014 at 12:00 PM..
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