Linux/UNIX Server won't connect to Internet

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# 1  
Old 01-23-2014
Wrench Linux/UNIX Server won't connect to Internet

I know nothing about Linux/Unix. The fact that it is Linux/Unix is what someone told me the server is. It has been set up with the work stations in my home and would connect to the internet (DSL) and work with the other stations. We now have an actual office that does not have DSL, but rather has a fiber-optic, almost cable-like internet that is locally owned. We moved the work stations and server to the office, hooked everything up the same way we had it hooked up here, and the server won't connect to the internet. The work stations will, but the server won't.

Can anyone explain why and how to fix it?
# 2  
Old 01-24-2014
Originally Posted by BgDunbar
Can anyone explain why and how to fix it?
There are several possible reasons for this coming to mind which would all fit your description (and perhaps some more i do not think of right now). All these have in common that fixing the problem would require a level of understanding what you are doing which is most certainly beyond your level of expertise. (Sorry if this sounds blunt, but telling you how to fix it is a bit like "tell me how to repair my car, but i have never used any tool at all in my life".)

Do yourself a favour and hire some expert to correct the problem. If no parts are broken and the system just needs to be reconfigured this might be a matter of minutes to do so. To try to "tell you though the process" is asking for trouble more likely than helping you solve the problem.

I hope this helps.

# 3  
Old 01-24-2014
I agree with Bakunin that you leave us all guessing which isn't good for proper diagnosis.

However, given the scenario you describe, I'm going to guess what the problem is. Absolutely, no guarantees though.

The thing that's changed is your internet connection and the router. Everything worked at the previous site.

It's quite possible that your server is configured to be the gateway (and proxy) for internet access and is configured to be a DHCP server.

Almost all new routers are configured to provide the DHCP service by default but you can only have one DHCP server for a site.

So probably your new router is a DHCP server, is providing the workstations with ip address leasing and gateway/dns information, and so the workstations can access the internet. The server has the old gateway ip address still hard configured but that's not there anymore so it can't access the internet.

If I'm correct you need to stop the new router being a DHCP server and then reboot all your workstations. Also, configure the new router's ip address into the server. Also, check the DNS service is configured properly for the new internet connection/provider.

I repeat, I am just completely guessing here. Hope that helps.
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