Matching two patterns in the consecutive lines

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# 8  
Old 01-15-2014
I'm meaning it. It sets the end pointer to line no. somewhere beyond nirwana so the test will fail until the first pattern is matched.
# 9  
Old 01-24-2014
Sorry for the delayed response.

The command is not retruning exact value. I only has 48 null pointer exception so it should retrun around 1200 lines.

$awk -v P1="ERROR OCCURRED :" -v P2="java.lang.NullPointerException" \
>         '$0 ~ P1        {PR=1; EP=1E99}
>          $0 ~ P2 && PR  {EP=NR+25}
>          NR > EP        {PR=0}
>          PR
>         ' trace.log | wc -l
$wc -l trace.log
2207494 trace.log
$grep -c "java.lang.NullPointerException" trace.log

Last edited by senthil.ak; 01-24-2014 at 04:48 PM..
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