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# 1  
Old 12-24-2013
Question Pktgen

I have a question about PKTGEN kernel module,
Can PKTGEN generate WEB traffic or only generate packets?
# 2  
Old 12-25-2013
Originally Posted by mbzadegan
I have a question about PKTGEN kernel module,
Can PKTGEN generate WEB traffic or only generate packets?
I do not know this kernel module, but there is no difference between "web traffic" and other packets: "web" is just a certain form of application-layer traffic (the "http" protocol) using a certain layer-4 address (port 80). Underneath that it is normal TCP (layer 4) using normal IP (layer 3).

Could you explain what exactly you want to achieve and what you have got? Further: it might help to describe your environment (like "Linux, kernel version XXX") instead of letting us guess.

I hope this helps.

# 3  
Old 12-25-2013
Exquse me that i can't write english wellSmilie
Packet generating is very different from Traffic Generating!
Packet generating --> When you flood a target port with TCP(80,syn) and don't wait to target reply.
Traffic generating --> When you flood a target port with TCP(80,syn) but wait to reply every pocket with (syn/ack) and then (ack).

And Now,
How can I generate traffic with PKTGEN?
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