Looks like you have binary zeroes in your file, printed as "^@". Stripping those, your line in post#1 reads
Try applying tr -d '\000' <file to your file...
EDIT: I just realize that encoding="UTF-16". If you're lucky, you could apply iconv with the UTF16 charset to your file...
Thanks for your response, I did the following.
Now after this when i tried to do grep PROVIDER datafile2, the whole file keeps scrolling i assume it's because of noel. Would it be possible to do successful grep with out scrolling or even not applying tr -d '\100', please advise thank you.
I am dissecting the code and trying to understand piece by piece
tr -d '\000' -- This will remove the binary zeroes in the data file
RS="<" -- Record Seperator is <
NF -- total number of fields
/[pP][rR][oO][vV][iI][dD][eE][rR]/ -- You were trying to match both upper case and lower case combination for a better match
-F'"" -- to get the value of provider in between double quotes
-v -- passing shell variables to awk variables ...????
you were finding the PROVIDER tag and for each record/tag until total number of fields/characters and formatting the output to trim it to the value. can you please explain it if i am wrong? i didn't understand what is the significance of -v ?
I have few files on unix which are payroll related and I need them to encrypt with password so others wouldn't see the data. I use ETL tool and would like to know the unix command that does encryption/decryption to use in the ETL.
Thank you,
Sri (3 Replies)
I want to propose a change to the run script environment. This would change the effective group of the wsadmin account to prodview with a umask of 027 before running our services. In linux this can be accomplished by the following
# Original shell
newgrp prodview <<... (1 Reply)
How to decrypt a file in unix? I dont know the type of decryption nor the type of text data it contains. We extracted the file from sfdc & need to process it in unix. When extracted, we get encrypted data in the file. The file content is-
... (0 Replies)
I need to decrypt a file in a directory, I need to write a shl scrip & cron job
How I find the files in the directory:
the file is like this:
dailypayments_sfs_payment_201011151800.dat -d
The decrypt command:
gpg -o dailypayments_sfs_payment_201011151800.dat -d
20101115 (the date... (7 Replies)
Hello all
I am getting a encrypted file (.pgp) and a key which i have to use to decrypt that file. I couldn't understand where to put the key on my unix box so that decryption happens. Please reply. (2 Replies)
I'm trying to decrypt a gpg file thorugh a shell script. But i' could'nt. My script is ,
-sh-3.1$ cat test_gpg.sh
echo " Hello, iam testing GPG"
gpg prabhu.txt.gpg <<EOF
prompt prabhu
exit 0
The file i'm trying to decrypt is prabhu.txt.gpg and my passphrase is... (1 Reply)
I need to decrypt a file that was encrypted using DES 56 Bit.
I have the encryption key and the block size used but no idea what utility to use..
I then need to encrypt the file using pgp and another key I have.. againt I dont know what utility to use.
I am running solaris 9 ....
... (0 Replies)