Sending mail in UNIX with body and attachment(.txt) using sendmail command

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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers Sending mail in UNIX with body and attachment(.txt) using sendmail command
# 8  
Old 10-12-2013
Hi All, Thanks a lot for your suggestions,
The below code worked to convert from Unix to Dos
perl -i -p -e 's/\n/\r\n/' file

Last edited by Scott; 10-12-2013 at 04:38 PM.. Reason: Added code tags
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mailq(1)						      General Commands Manual							  mailq(1)

mailq - Displays the contents of the mail queue SYNOPSIS
mailq [-v] DESCRIPTION
The mailq command displays a list of messages in the mail queue. The mailq command is the same as the sendmail command with the -bp option; see sendmail for more information. EXAMPLES
The mailq command lists the mail queue as shown in the following example: Mail Queue (1 request) --QID--- -Size- ---Q- Time------- --Sender/Recipient--- AA002508 3 Thu Dec 17 10:01 root The mailq -v command lists the mail queue as shown in the following example: Mail Queue (1 request) --QID--- -Size- -Priority- ---Q-Time---- -Sender/Recipient- AA002508 3 1005 Dec 17 10:01 root (Output might be formatted differently on your system.) The fields have the following meaning: Contains the message queue ID of the message. Contains the number of bytes in the body of the message (header information not included). Contains the priority of the message. Contains the date that the message entered the queue. Contains the user ID of the sender (first), and then the user ID of the receiver of the message. In this example, a message also indicates the status of the message. FILES
Contains the log file and temporary files associated with the messages in the mail queue. SEE ALSO
Commands: sendmail(8) mailq(1)