Sort and delete partical duplicate file

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# 1  
Old 10-08-2013
Sort and delete partical duplicate file

I want to delete partical duplicate file

>gma-miR156d    Gm01,PACID=26323927     150.00  -18.28  2 18    17 35   16      75.00%  81.25%
>>gma-miR156d   Gm01,PACID=26323927     150.00  -18.28  150.00  -18.28  1       21      119      17

I want to order by the second column and delete the second line.
>>gma-miR156d   Gm01,PACID=26323927     150.00  -18.28  150.00  -18.28  1       21      119      17

Only keep the first one.

How can I do? Thank you.

Last edited by Scott; 10-08-2013 at 04:27 PM.. Reason: Use code tags, please...
# 2  
Old 10-08-2013
Using GNU sort:
sort -u -k2b,2 file

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