Awk scripting

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# 1  
Old 09-27-2001
Question Awk scripting


I'm new to unix and i am kind of familiar with the basic commands.
can anyone suggest some good books especially for AWK scripting and SHELL scripting


Last edited by rharee; 09-27-2001 at 11:31 PM..
# 2  
Old 09-28-2001
The first two books that pop into kind are Sed & Awk, published by O'Reilly. Also, learning the Korn Shell by O'Reilly is pretty good. Another Korn Shell book I really enjoy is Korn Shell Programming, By Example published by Que.

Don't forget to search the forum for other people's opinions, and the special FAQ section, where there's actually a Book section...

Last edited by LivinFree; 09-28-2001 at 03:53 AM..
# 3  
Old 09-28-2001
A godo AWK book I got was "THE AWK PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE" by Alfred V.Aho, Brian W Kernighahan, Peter J. Weinberger

ISBM 0-201-07981-X

It's got some cracking examples in there.. Not many pages, but well worth the money.
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