Storing the Column as Variable and Replacing

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# 1  
Old 09-03-2013
Storing the Column as Variable and Replacing

Hi All,

Please suggest how can I achieve the below.

I have a file as below.

HTML Code:
I am trying to cut the first column and paste it in the Header record in the place of S as below.

HTML Code:
CDRSCAN|124434|Loaded| Success
Through cut command I am able to cut the first column value, but not sure how to store the value in a variable and place it in the Header Record.

Please help me with logic for achieving this.

Thanks & Regards, Deepti
# 2  
Old 09-04-2013
One way to do it is:
awk '
BEGIN { FS = OFS = "|" 
NR == 1 {
        $NF = ""
        printf("%s", $0)
NR == 2 {
        printf(" %s\n", $1)
{       printf("%s\n", substr($0, length($1) + 2))
}' file

On a Solaris/SunOS system, use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk, /usr/xpg6/bin/awk, or nawk instead of awk.
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