Hello, I am having an issue with ANSI colors in Redhat linux.
I am running a script where the colours have been set very early on as follows:
Later in the script these are used to color define sections of output by reffering to them using:
Now this works fine on an AIX server I have already deplyed this too, but Redhat seems not to interpret these codes as the output is for example:
The script runs in korn shell (ksh) and I have tried running it as bash although it breaks some other parts of the script and does not help with the color issue.
Has anyone experienced this or have any possibly solutions for me?
(Apart from removing the color coding as this is my backup option)
One thing I did try was just trsting colors at the command line with this:
And that worked great, no problems. But when I run this script the codes are just spat back out and not interpretted as the colors I wanted
I am using ncurses to develop a user interface. Perhaps I should be using something else, but I am reasonably comfortable with ncurses and don't really want to climb another learning curve at this time.
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Now since i wrote a script to do that part, i currently stuck at the part to create a new .gtk-bookmarks file.
Regarding code snippet: (bold part beeing... (2 Replies)
cat a | awk -F";" '{print "update db set column=' "$2" ' where column1=\""$1"\";"}' > ip-add.sql
Hi! I'm a new user!
i need to use single quote in the double quotes print string
The apex between che "$2" should not be interpreted, but....how?!
I'm trying to use \ but don't work correctly!
... (4 Replies)
I am using xterm on my HP-UX system (11i). Color is working in xtrem, i can see that with the -color option on ls. When I use vim's syntax high lighting, instead of colors, it uses underline and bold (which looks horrible). I added the following
if &term =~ "xterm"
if has("terminfo")
... (2 Replies)
I want to use
notify_fail ()
echo " " >> ${MSG}
echo " Script failed n">> ${MSG}
cat ${MSG}|mailx -s "t1.ksh Success: "name@domain.com"
exit 1
I want script failed to show in Red or different colors in the email that i sent to name@domain.com
I serached several sites and also... (1 Reply)
Hey guys,
When I used a Solaris box way back I had directory, file , symbolic link colors, etc... I can't seem to find the .dircolors file and how i set it up for bash on Solaris... anyone remember how to do it?
Thanks! (2 Replies)
what dog gone file is setting these colors! i dont see it in bashrc or bash_profile!! anyone know?
alias cp='cp -i'
alias l.='ls -d .* --color=tty'
alias ll='ls -l --color=tty'
alias ls='ls --color=tty'
alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias vi='vim'
alias which='alias | /usr/bin/which... (1 Reply)
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