I am new to shell script.I need your help to write a shell script.
I need to write a shell script to extract data from a .csv file where columns are ',' separated.
The file has 7 columns having values say column 1,column 2.....column 7 as below along with their values.
Name, Address, Account, Date, Dateofbirth, city, country.
Now i want to write a script to first check if the file name.csv exists at /home/home1.
If the file exists i want to display column 2,column 4,column 5,column 6 and column 7 header along with their values if there are any values in it.
Output should be like below:
the above output should be send to mail abc@gmail.com
Last edited by Franklin52; 08-28-2013 at 03:23 AM..
Reason: Please use code tags
It gives syntax error as below:
^ syntax error in for all awk statements(as many times awk command is executed) and at the last write ^ backslash not last character of line.
---------- Post updated at 03:12 AM ---------- Previous update was at 03:04 AM ----------
One more thing..if there are more than 1 rows for all the columns,i need to displays all the rows in the output.Sorry for not clarifying in initial post.
Since you have not written a single line of code, moved to dummies, this forum is for shell script and other porgramming meaning you should produce a minimum of code and explain what you cant solve or want...
I have this 5GB file, and i want to extract from the file particulars pattern.
this is my script:
count=`grep -wc "MSISDN" file_name`
cat file_name | awk -F":" -v var="$k" '$1=="MSISDN" {m++}m==var{print; exit}' >> OUTPUT
cat file_name |awk -F":"... (33 Replies)
Hi everyone,
I have a csv file which has data with different heading and column names as below.
Static Data Ingested
,,,,,,,,,,,,Known Explained Rejections
Column_1,column_2,Column_3,Column_4,,Column_6,Column_7,,% Column_8,,Column_9 ,Column_10 ,... (14 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I am new to shell script.I need your help to write a shell script.
I need to write a shell script to extract data from a .csv file where columns are ',' separated.
The file has 5 columns having values say column 1,column 2.....column 5 as below along with their valuesm.... (1 Reply)
I need to read data from a file called "test.csv" through shell script where the file contains values like name,price,descriptor etc. There are rows where descriptor (& in some rows name) are written as string & other characters like "car_+" OR "bike*" etc where it should contains strings like... (3 Replies)
Hello everybody,
Here is my problem, I don't know anything about shell programming and my boss is actually asking me to develop a shell script in order to get values in a csv file from a specific date.
Here is a sample of the csv file :
Date;Enchaînement;Titre;Libellé ;calendrier;Heure début;Heure... (11 Replies)
If I have a log like :
Mon Jul 19 05:07:34 2010; TCP; eth3; 52 bytes; from abc to def
Mon Jul 19 05:07:35 2010; UDP; eth3; 46 bytes; from aaa to bbb
Mon Jul 19 05:07:35 2010; TCP; eth3; 52 bytes; from def to ghi
I will need an output like this :
Time abc to def... (1 Reply)
Friends...This is the first time i am trying the report generation using shell script... any suggestions are welcome.
Is there a way to set the font size & color when i am exporting the data from unix shell script as a CSV file ?
The following sample data is saved as a .csv file in the... (2 Replies)
Hello Scripting Gurus,
I need help with extracting data from the XML file using shell script.
The data is in a large XML and I need to extract the id values of all completedworkflows. Here is a sample of it. Input and output data is also in the attached text files.
<wfregistry>... (5 Replies)
give me a shell-script which extract data from log file on a server by giving date and time as input (for both start time and end time) and it will give the logs generated during the given time as output. (4 Replies)
Since i'm new to scripting i'm findind it difficult to code a script. The script has to be an executable with 2 paramters passed to it.The Parameters are
1. The Control file name(.ctl file)
2. The Data file name(.csv file)
Does anybody have an idea about it? :confused: (3 Replies)