File handling issue

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# 1  
Old 08-08-2013
File handling issue

Hi All,

I am running into an issue. I have a very big file. Wants to split it in smaller chunks. This file has multiple header/ trailers. Also, between each header/trailer there are records. Number of records in each header trailer combination can vary. Also, headers can start with 202XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, same for trailer.
Records start like 1101XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

I want to split file say like
split -l 99999 filename.

Say last 8 records are like

My script should put till record 3 in first file and records from 4 onwards in the next file as maching trailer for header starting at record 4 is missing.

Can someone help. Please ask all queries.


Last edited by Scott; 08-08-2013 at 12:05 PM.. Reason: Added Code tags [7th time]
# 2  
Old 08-08-2013
please post what you have done so far so people can help you ...
# 3  
Old 08-08-2013
Hi Just Ice,

I think I got the way to code this solution.

But I need one help


grep -n ^202 filename > test

 cut -d ':' -f1,1 test >test1
 test1 will have

Say I want to have maximum 5 records in first file
So, what I will do is add to first header + 5 = 6

And find a number in test1 less than 6
which is 4. Check if it is header or trailer

Since this is header will cut 1thru 3 and 4 thru 9 and generate 2 split files.

All I need is, Is there a way to find a number less than 6 in my test1 file without reading each record line by line.

Reason I want to do that is my file is very very big. It has trillions of records.

Reading header trailer number line by line will make my processing too slow.

Last edited by Scott; 08-08-2013 at 02:26 PM.. Reason: Added code tags [8th time]
# 4  
Old 08-08-2013
the tool/command you use will eventually read the whole file based on your requirements ...

however, see this thread as the requirements are similar to yours ...
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