mail without sender's id!

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# 1  
Old 09-11-2001
Question mail without sender's id!

I found a mail which confused me a lot! since it did not contain any information regarding the sender of that mail. Is it possible to do like this? First i thought there was something wrong with the mail server.. but the subject of that mail still confused "nobody". How is it possible? or can I do the same?Smilie Smilie
# 2  
Old 09-12-2001
# 3  
Old 09-12-2001

thanks.. it has got a whole bunch of info.
by the way, could you tell me how I can send that person a reply?

# 4  
Old 09-12-2001
because you are posting it on this page. i guess you have the server where the email was coming on. so then you need to checks your logs. for the smtp port. then you have to know the time and you know who send it. (the ip from the server who send it ). and then you could ask them to check there logs and see who was sending that email.
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